
26 tips and sayings for self-development and success 2023

26 tips and sayings for self-development and success 2023

 26 tips and sayings for self-development and success 2023

26 tips and sayings for self-development and success 2023

1 - Learn the Art of Flexibility

Be practical and flexible in the way you approach and approach problems.

read the world

2 - Read

Read whenever you get the chance, in your spare time, in transit, at night, maybe before bed... Make reading a daily habit as important as eating and sleeping.

Ten to twenty minutes a day of reading can make a huge difference in your soul. I can't find anything better than what Caroline Hintz says here:

"It's no wonder that people who read are the best because they experience the essence of other people's lives. They learn how to leave their bodies and see the world from someone else's point of view." . And this experience comes from the things they read about many people. Their future chances are good because the knowledge gained from those travels into other people's lives is invaluable.

They've gone through things you'll never understand, and the deaths of people you'll never know. She lived the life of women, the life of men and the suffering of others and gained wisdom beyond her years.

Reading is what rebuilds you, elevates your character, so that every hero's victory, lesson, defining moment is yours, every pain, suffering and tragedy is yours, but bear with it. I have been on a journey with a writer, I have gone through the difficulties with him when he was writing, I have gone through a thousand lives and come back to you with all the lessons.

3. Don't procrastinate or be lazy

As Brian Tracy says:

"Just do it! Start with the important things, even if it's hard."

4- Set your priorities smartly

Always give priority to yourself.

5- Be optimistic

Why do we live a life from which we do not expect much? This is the mindset of a pessimist. Research shows that optimists live longer than pessimists. The human body will translate his thoughts and his condition will fluctuate accordingly, as he said to the son of Adam, A pessimist looking at life full of doubt and doubt will only lead to a miserable life for himself, his It is very difficult to achieve anything for a goal, while optimists are the opposite.

6- Say no!

Learn to say no to yourself and others.

7- You should be grateful

Happiness can be summed up in two words: contentment and gratitude. The more satisfied you are with what you have, the more grateful you are for what you have, the higher your happiness index will be, and those deadly negative feelings won't accumulate again.

8- Inspire your learning ability

passionate about learning. No matter your age or current level, you can make room in your life for learning. Love learning and don't care about other things, then expect how your life will turn out.

9 - Don't Worry

Feel yourself safe and don't worry, worry is usually an "illusion" and nothing more, as Dan Mayes told us: "Worry is nothing more than a waste of your imagination." So relax my friend, don't drown in the sea of worry (unnecessary sacrifice).

10- Meditate and explore yourself

Give yourself time to meditate. Take time to relax and consider different events, know yourself, don't ignore them, the more you know about yourself the better. David Lynch says:

"The secret of meditation is that it helps you go deeper and deeper into your true self."

11. Success is hard won and requires patience and persistence.

James Clear says in his book Atomic Habits:

“We usually expect success to be linear, at least we want it to come quickly. But in reality, the results of your efforts often come too late. It may take months or years before you realize the value of previous work. It may take years to move forward." "Valley of Despair". In this situation, people feel hopeless after working hard for weeks or months without achieving anything.

But the truth is that this work was not lost, it was just preserved, and the full value of past efforts would not become apparent until much later. ,

12- Raise the Five Pillars of Ikigai


Ikigai is a Japanese word meaning "purpose" or "reason for living". According to Japanese culture, it has five basic pillars:

From small things

release yourself.

harmony and stability.

    funny little things

    living in the moment.

Together, these five pillars represent the Japanese concept of happiness, so why not apply this principle to your life as well?

13- Keep going and don't give up

There is a Japanese saying, "It's easy to start, but hard to stick to." Everyone can start, but not everyone can continue. Many people say, "I will do it," and they start, succeed, and persevere, perhaps for days or weeks, before declaring their surrender. Some people are determined to do what they want, so don't stop when you get tired, stop when you get there!

You can start anywhere, any time, any day. TS Elliott says:

"Every moment is a new beginning."

14- Failure does not mean the end

When you fail at something, itsDoesn't mean you give up and try again... it's not over yet!

A million little mistakes also mean a million little victories, and when one thing fails, something new is born. -Lauren Martin

15 - Accept yourself

It doesn't have to be perfect, your authentic personality is enough to make you look amazing and unique. Marathon record holder Deborah Day confirmed this:

"Relax, no one is perfect, embrace your humanity"

16 - One small step at a time is enough

Psychiatrist Lori Gottlieb advises her patients, "Now, I have to take one leg and then the other, whose illness prevents them from coping with their daily lives." Big changes come from what feel like hundreds of small steps that you barely need, but they are steps that you take one after the other.

17. Do what you want, don't care what others think

Appreciate what you do, even when others don't. Keep doing what you do without compromising. If you want to be an artist then be, if you want to go back to school at the age of 70 then you will move forward with enthusiasm. Do what you want and don't wait for others to validate and persuade, because no one will. You will not be in a position to have the praise and approval of others for what you desire in your heart.

18. Try a new way of working

If your efforts don't produce the results you want, change the way you do things. If blocked, don't go the same way, look at it from a different angle, and change as needed. American writer and director Ava DuVernay says:

"I'm not going to knock on the old door that didn't open for me, and instead I'm going to build one myself and walk through it."

19- The real inspiration is the one that comes from within you

There is no so-called "external stimulus", only internal stimulus is the driving force.

So obviously, someone doesn't come over to applaud you, then shower you with flowers, gifts and money, and yell, "That's great, keep going!" Not at all, life doesn't work like that. Everyone is going through their life experience, everyone is so busy doing something or the other for themselves, they don't have time to pace others.

We can get external stimulation in the form of little jolts, but it is of no use if there is no real stimulation within us. Nothing inspires us more than the inspiration within us. Because even if you're lucky enough to get a lot of external stimulation, whether it's from people, the environment, or whatever, it's not going to change anything about you unless the drive wheels are inside you.

20 - Ask for help

Take it from others and you give it to others, because life is a harmonious mix of giving and receiving.

21- Take care of your health

healthy lifestyle

Exercise more, sleep early and don't stay up late, pay attention to a varied diet, pay attention to your health, don't look at mobile phone screens for a long time, and pay attention to sugar, salt and high-calorie foods.

In other words, don't skimp on the good habits.

22- Abandon the victim role

You are not a victim. Don't waste your time lamenting the fact that not so many people have messaged you in ages. Don't waste time thinking that all your problems are external and caused by others.

Don't think that whatever happens to you is because of the world, all your mind is focused around the cruelty of this world, you are nothing but a victim!

This is not true, you can always change it yourself. Whatever happens is ultimately your responsibility. You are responsible for most of the things in your life, and you are the only one who can change your life through your own hands.

"A large part of what happened to you, is happening to you, is happening to you, is your responsibility."

23- What matters is the way you walk, not the station you stop at

James Clare says:

“It doesn't matter how successful you are right now, what matters is whether your habits are leading you on the right path to success. You have to be more interested in your current path than your current results.

If you are a millionaire and are spending more than your earnings every month, then you are on the wrong track. It's not over if your spending habits don't change. Conversely, if you're currently broke but saving a little each month, you're on the right track to financial freedom, even if your progress is slower than you'd expect. ,

24 - Be Bold

Yes... be bold. Dare to do something you've never done before. Dare to start your own business or quit a job you hate. Dare to say what you are afraid to say. Dare to break out of your boring routine and do something new that you really enjoy.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said:

"Dare to live the life you want for yourself. Go ahead and make your dreams come true"

25 - Be kind to yourself and others

And animals and things like that. Empathize with whatever comes your way and take every opportunity to do your best.

Novelist Roald Dahl said:

"DearAluta - a simple word. Kindness covers everything, I get it. Kindness is everything."

26 - Write Your Own Story

Remember to write your own life story, put the pen in your hand and don't let someone else do it for you. Oprah Winfrey says:

"You decide your own life, don't let others script your life"

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