
For these reasons, learning to code changes your life. Here are the tools to get started

For these reasons, learning to code changes your life. Here are the tools to get started

 For these reasons, learning to code changes your life. Here are the tools to get started

Even if you don't plan to make coding your main job, learning to code can be of huge benefit to your career. The best employees today are those who are ready to take advantage of technology, regardless of their job.

For these reasons, learning to code changes your life. Here are the tools to get started


According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for a web developer is projected to exceed $60,000, and industry demand is projected to grow 27 percent from 2014 to 2024. As a result, web development is a smart choice for many people, and many employees want to work in it.

Not only that, of course, there are many other reasons why learning to program is ideal, and we'll introduce you to them below.


Why learn programming?

Freedom to set your own schedule

This is the most common benefit for those who have left a traditional job that involves approximately eight fixed hours per day (9-5); Because when you work for yourself, you have the ability to make your own schedule.

Of course, there are time limits. have a meeting. But you always have some control over time, space and time.

earn more work less

Many experienced developers can charge upwards of $100 per hour for freelance or regular work. The more technical skills and experience you gain, the more money you can make per hour.


You Can Say "No" to a Job Offer

Web developer jobs are no longer the case if you take a job that you can get even if the pay is less than it's worth; You'll find yourself saying "no thanks" without worry or hesitation, because you know better opportunities will come your way.

people will come to you and ask you to do things for them

HR developers, company executives etc. are always looking for the best web developers and software engineers to suggest them for hiring.

Some programmers will even write on their LinkedIn accounts that they are "not currently looking for a job" which cannot be found in other jobs.

You have extra time to pursue your interests

If you are forced to do a job you don't like in order to earn money and meet material obligations, say goodbye to your original intention; Because it takes a lot of time; We recommend you to learn programming.


In addition to being able to work fewer hours per week, there is the opportunity to spend more time on other things: such as writing and drawing, watching movies or spending time with family.

you can work remotely

When your business is related to technology, there are more opportunities to work online or remotely. This means that it doesn't matter where you are, whether you're on vacation, at home, or at Starbucks, as long as you're doing your job.

go through a lot of different things

Learning a skill like coding means to your employer that you are resourceful, tech-savvy and flexible; So they'll rely on you for tasks outside of your job, which can open up opportunities in your career that you weren't aware of.


For example: learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript can make you a consummate marketer, your supervisors and colleagues can count on you to help run websites, create promotional emails, debug new software, and the possibilities are endless. . He has That's why mastering a skill like coding is a surefire way to become indispensable at work.


Effective communication with technical team

Knowing code is important if you're always working with technical members of the team, no engineer will take you seriously without a basic understanding of how the different technologies work.


marketing, human resources, or finance; No matter what department you're in, you depend on software to help you do your job, and who's running that software? engineer.


Therefore; Speaking their language will earn you respect, make negotiations more effective, and enable you to evaluate technical solutions and understand the resources needed to complete a particular project. Ultimately, this will allow you to do your job more efficiently.

many occasions

As Blurring Lines reports, over 100,000 jobs have been identified in web and mobile development in the last 12 months alone.

Plus, it's an impactful job where you face real challenges that affect the direction of each business.



If you have entrepreneurial dreams, coding is a valuable skill to pick up along the way.

Have an idea for a new app? You'll be able to create an early prototype to show what you have in mind. Using your own prototype, you can more effectively raise funds and hire qualified developers who accurately understand your idea. You can also more accurately estimate how long each development phase will take and what resources will be required.


you will improve your logical thinking

In the memorable words of Steve Jobs: "Everyone should know how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think."

To communicate with a computer, you have to organize your thoughts.need to be arranged in position. This way of thinking will sharpen your thinking and problem-solving skills, so you may suddenly find that you approach problems in a whole new way, and logical solutions become much easier.


Now, what tools do you need to start learning to code?

computer with good specifications

I don't mean supercomputer or top 10 computer in the world, it just has good RAM regardless of OS.


good internet connection

Get the software and educational materials you need to grow.


text editor

There are many of them out there, but the best text editors are Visual Studio Code and Atom, although Visual Studio Code is the most popular.


embedded development environment

Environments such as Visual Studio, Android Studio and Eclipse allow for more additional features that text editors do not.

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