
Most notably encouragement and freedom of choice.. 7 ways to develop your child's abilities

Most notably encouragement and freedom of choice.. 7 ways to develop your child's abilities

 Most notably encouragement and freedom of choice.. 7 ways to develop your child's abilities

If you have a child in whom you feel signs of giftedness, it requires a special kind of care to develop the child's abilities so that the giftedness does not disappear before maturity.
Most notably encouragement and freedom of choice.. 7 ways to develop your child's abilities

Child psychologists have recently discovered that a large proportion of children with unique talents are the result of an early interest in that talent.

It tells you the most important thing: pure talent without development can rust and fade like everything else. Therefore, child psychologists have developed many branches of research to accommodate the process of growth and development of various talents of children.

Below, we summarize for you 7 ways to nurture and develop your child's talents:

1- Freedom of choice

Do not impose your views on things to develop your child's abilities, parents sometimes forget this important wisdom. Because children usually realize their unrealized dreams and ambitions knowingly or unknowingly. So, it is best for the parents to understand and take care of their child's choice as well as his/her inner interests.

    2- Encouragement

Encourage basic hobbies, which are the mainstay of talent. Don't focus your encouragement on a specific activity or hobby. If your child shows enthusiasm for music, melodies, etc., then music is not limited to certain types of instruments.

Take your child to a music school, and if you notice an interest in sports in him, enroll him in a general sports club. By doing this, you are helping your baby to enter the "natural world" in the beginning.

3- Don't doubt

Don't question your child's abilities and potential to develop. Don't compare him to another child with similar achievements or talents, even if the other child does it better than you, or your child will lose interest in the things he used to do. Part of developing talent is making a child feel special, and if they feel they are talented, that's the first step to achieving greatness. Support him, but don't make him feel like there's something better than what he's doing.

4- Provide the necessary environment and means

Let your child do things that interest him. For you to say you're doing it, you have to understand the most important thing: Your child will not excel in any area until he has all the tools to help him bring out the best in him. Do not be tools and objectives.

For example, if he is interested in painting, provide him with all the necessary equipment, including paints, brushes and a palette. If he's into sports, get him clothes or sportswear that fits his chosen sport.

5- Do not criticize

Do not criticize the child, and do not make him feel that he has not lived up to the expectations of the child's ability development, or that he has not tried hard enough. Praise him for what he does, appreciating his hard work, not his talent or luck. The child will definitely feel the difference between his ability and his effort, and also how he can use both to get the best out of them without criticism or guidance.

6- This course is not compulsory

If your child declines to participate in an activity, sport, or group, don't force them to return, even if they've already opted out. Build your child's abilities by trying to find something that prevents him from pursuing his favorite hobbies or activities. It is best to change activities or games in the early years as this is basically an exploratory phase. you are trying to force him to return to his original hobby; Might destroy his desire to practice anything.

7- Extend the range

Find suitable ways to expand the range of your child's talents. If his talents are intellectual, then it is best to participate in intellectual games and competitions. The same applies to sports or artistic pursuits. Give him useful books about leading personalities in the activities of his choice. When the child begins to form ideals, this is an early specialization for him in the area in which he has shown talent.

In general, parents should realize that even if a child does not show talent, he is not far from a child. Most children show talent, but parents lack talent, which weakens the talent. becomes or is completely lost.

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