
When do you need to change your job?

When do you need to change your job?

 When do you need to change your job?

Did you know that 51% of Americans who work full time say they are not interested in their jobs? This is according to a 2017 Gallup study which also found that 16 percent of Americans hate their workplace but decide to stay. Why would you stay in a job you hate? The answer, of course, is financial security, and possibly the fear of failing in some other area. But even if you think you're getting good value from the funding or benefits, you're not doing yourself any favors by staying in a job you hate because it's wreaking havoc on your mental health. So, maybe you need a career change. how do you know? What do you do when you need to change careers?
When do you need to change your job?

mental health and hating your job

When you're unhappy at work, you struggle every day; The very thought of going to work fills you with dread. It is difficult for you to work and be successful in your position. Many people in this condition find that they experience troubling mental health effects, such as panic attacks, work anxiety, insomnia and even depression. And when you are working, you may feel anxious or depressed nausea because of being in it, and the longer you are in this job, the more it will affect your body and mind, which cannot be ignored, Because being in one of those miserable workplaces affects your entire body and emotions, the fact that our brains are wired or connected to negative things by nature can be destabilizing, which is why our automatic This is the reason it's so important to redefine negative thoughts. Let's find out and learn.

Our mind is too dependent on negative things

Do you know that when the mind hears a negative sentence, it does not differentiate whether it is negative or positive? For example, when you say "Don't forget to lock the door," your brain removes the word "no" and you hear "You forgot to lock the door." That's why it's important to say "remember to lock the door". According to various studies, our mind is attracted towards negative things. This is especially true for those who are struggling with mental illness, so if you have mental health issues and work a job you hate, it can be difficult to get out of a slump and stay positive. . If you find yourself miserable in the workplace, it is very important to make the decision to change careers and move out of your current situation. But how do you make that choice and stick to it? This is something you should dedicate yourself to because your mental health is important and there is no reason to stay in a job you hate.

having trouble leaving that job

Life can be demanding, which is why many people do things they don't enjoy. However, you don't have to suffer unnecessarily, and when you're in a job you don't like and you don't know what's going to happen next, it's hard to get out of the situation because you can't see Can't have any hope. People live in bad situations because they have no choice, but there are always other options. People keep changing jobs all the time, its just a matter of your future or next life. You have to believe it. To get out of a job you hate, you have to imagine a job you'll love and believe it exists. You have to believe that you deserve a better position so that you can be open to the people and opportunities available to them. Keep reading job ads, keep applying, and keep refining your options. You have to believe that if you try, you will get out of the job you hate and find a better job.

afraid to go

Some people may be afraid to leave a stressful job because it gives them health insurance, because it supports their family, or they may think that there is nothing else they can do to support themselves. They may feel stuck and locked into one area or one skill, the truth is that in life we are always learning new things and there are many ways to develop new skills. Some people begin their career transition by taking classes at a vocational college or community college while they are currently employed, and while this is not possible for everyone, this is the path many choose. Many employers offer classes or training for new employees, and if you're worried about quitting your job and overwhelmed by the thought, you may want to consult with a mental health professional. This way, you can express your concern and also talk about your current situation. fear of asserting one's rights

When you have a mental illness, it can be difficult to ask for your rights and the things you feel are right for your particular situation, yet you are afraid to be open and honest with your management. The reason for their silence is that many people are afraid that their managers will not understand them, or evenWorse, they may be fired for asking for what they need. People with mental health problems are sometimes afraid of being fired; If they say they are mentally ill then they are hiding their mental illness (another thing that can keep people from leaving a job), and feel compelled to fit into a niche that doesn't support them. Not taken. When people are afraid to ask for the accommodation they need, they may feel additional pressure, they may feel hopeless, and they may fall into a state of shame, confusion, and misunderstanding. The same applies to persons with other disabilities such as physical disabilities.

strategically quit your job

To quit your job, you need to do it strategically. You may still be hesitating whether this decision is the right one, so we offer you a strategic way to start your career transition, which is to start thinking about the reasons why. you are going Let's review the reasons why you are leaving your position:

1- You are underutilizing your skills: 

You may want to use your own skills to make some specific contribution at the workplace, but the employer may not be able to utilize your skills in that way that makes you happy And you may have tons of ideas to show, but you can't because the employer can't help you get there. Maybe you are a great candidate for a promotion but you don't get one or that your work is simple and doesn't rise to the level of your thinking. You can and that's why you're leaving one.

2. You have an inconsistent boss who's difficult to work with: 

Not all bosses are going to be your best friend, and that's okay, but some employers and work environments are truly awful. If you feel neglected, or your supervisor doesn't listen to you, doesn't understand you, makes bad comments about you, or is mean to you or your co-workers, that's another good reason to quit.

3- You don't chase your dreams: 

You might have a vision for yourself and have reasonable goals, but you can't achieve them in your current job. This may be a reason to change careers. You only have one life and it's important to think about your mental health, if you do things that make you feel fulfilled and satisfied, you'll be a happier person. At the second job, you've seen firsthand that the company won't survive, so why are you staying there? Give yourself his right and always think of him first; Leave work early because you already know what's to come and you want to make sure you're taking care of yourself and your personal life.

5- You are not in line with the company's ethics:

 If you think that the company is ethically corrupt, then there is no need to work in this company, when you notice something that is not allowed, you will find That you will feel uncomfortable or is acceptable, if it's your pain, you don't have to be there. Find something that matches your ethics and you'll start to realize fast you'll have plenty of reasons to quit the job you hate. Most importantly, you need to look into yourself and find the right path for you.

follow your dreams

Many of us have dreams for our future, and if your job isn't in line with those goals, it may be time to consider quitting. You probably don't know what you want to do with your life, and that's okay. Maybe you're worried about changing careers because you know you don't like what you do, but you don't know what you're good at. You can find lots of skills assessments online that can give you insight into yourself and help you uncover some potential career options.

A common example is the MBTI test, which can be easily found on the Internet. Start exploring your options, think about what you like and dislike in the workplace, what time of day you prefer to work, if you prefer to work alone or with people, If you need to be on your feet or if you need to be in a sitting position for a long time, etc. These are all things that can inform where you pursue your career. Perhaps, you will have a clear understanding of your strengths and dreams. It never hurts to talk to someone about work-related issues, as they can give you more insight and help you make a smooth career change.

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